Physical Science

Resources and Articles

red barn and blue sky NGSS PS1 matter and its interactions

Barns are Painted Red Because of Dying Stars

A look at the chemistry of red pigment and nuclear fusion.

(Take a quiz on this article—use student code: Venture)

person with pained look on their face wearing yellow gloves  cleaning a toilet

When You Smell Poop, Is That Because Poop Particles Have Gone Up Your Nose?

Great "smelly science" C-E-R article for your students!

(Take a quiz on this article — use student code: Venture)

Scientists Pull Energy out of Thin Air

A shelved theory appears to have new life in pulling energy from one location to another.

Scientists Create New Form of Ice that Might Exist on Ocean Moons

The “medium-density amorphous ice” has never been seen before. But researchers think it might be present on ocean moons like Jupiter’s Europa.

sundial NGSS Physical Science timekeeping

The History of Clocks

Shadow clocks, candle clocks, and escapements, oh my! When did we first begin using mechanical clocks, and how did we tell time before then? Fascinating look at the long history of clocks.

dead spiders used in tech experiment NGSS Physical science

Robotic Spiders

How scientists used hydraulic pressure to “reanimate” dead spiders. Necrobotic research is useful for future tech such as microelectronics.

bird nest NGSS PS1 PS2 Matter and its interactions, forces and stability

The Physics of Birds' Nests

Research on the micromechanics of bird nests help scientists learn how to protect birds and other precious cargo.

NGSS PS1 Physical Science physics of Baseball

The Science of Baseball

The physics of pitching—curveballs, fastballs, screwballs. Fun physics exercise for your classroom!

Scientists Use 3D Printer to Make Dessert

Amazing! This technology using edible ink could help with food insecurity

How Scientists are Decoding What the Past Smelled Like

Scientists are trying to recreate the scents of ancient times by studying biomolecules such as lipids.

Scientists Developed a New Class of Materials

A team of researchers from the University of Amsterdam has now found a way to create materials that are stiff, but still good at absorbing vibrations – and equally importantly, that can be kept very light-weight.

fresnel lens lighthouse NGSS Physical Science

How Does a Fresnel Lens Work?

Learn about how lighthouses use refracted light and how to create your own Fresnel lens.

inverted rainbow NGSS Physical Science

The Smile of a Rainbow

Circumzenithal arcs, or inverted rainbows, occur when sunlight encounters the ice crystals inside wispy, high-altitude cirrus clouds. The upside-down rainbow is seen when the light beam enters through the six-sided ice crystal's flat top face and exits from one of its prism-like side surfaces.

kate the chemist in a blue lab coat NGSS physical Science

Kate the Chemist

Dr. Kate Biberdorf is a chemist, science entertainer, and professor at The University of Texas. Through her theatrical and hands-on approach to teaching, Dr. Biberdorf is breaking down the image of the stereotypical scientist, while reaching students who might otherwise be intimidated by science.

hand with red light NGSS Physical Science robotics

Slightly Sweaty Robot Finger

Japanese innovation thought to have potential to build a new relationship between humans and robots.

teeth NGSS Physical science ancient medicine practices

Ancient Maya Practice of Gluing Gemstones Onto Teeth

Practice of Gluing Gemstones Onto Teeth May Have Been For More Than Bling.

hand holding a bottle of champagne in grape field NGSS PS2 Forces and Stability

What Really Happens When you Pop Champagne

Researchers now have a clearer picture of the supersonic shock waves that form when carbon dioxide escapes from a bottle of bubbly.

silica gel packets NGSS PS1 matter and its interactions

5 reasons to hold on to old silica gel packets

The chemistry behind silica gel packets, what they can be used for, and why we shouldn’t throw them away.

light bulb NGSS PS1

166th anniversary of Tesla’s birthday to be celebrated in his hometown

A laser light show, kinetic light sculptures, and expert talks on hydroelectric power are planned to commemorate the inventor’s birthday in his hometown, the City of Gospić.

3D Printed Violin

Great STEAM project! A 3D printed violin is making music education accessible and sustainable.

Turn Up the Bass!

Researchers have taken a closer look at the relationship between bass frequencies and dancing, thanks to an experiment conducted during a real-life electronic music concert