Welcome to our NGSS* Resource Page! Click through the above menu to find science articles, inspiration, and latest news!

NGSS Support

NGSS Curricula: A Deep Dive into an NGSS-Aligned Curricular Unit

STEAM Universe presents a webinar on the key concepts around NGSS and dive into a specific NGSS unit.

NSTA Daily Do

NSTA Lesson Plans designed to support the NGSS Science and Engineering Principles

Fostering An Inquiry Led Science Classroom

Support for developing reflective and engaging inquiry led classroom discussions.

The “Forgotten Dimension”

Brief outline on supporting and assessing Cross Cutting Concepts

High Leverage Science Teaching Practices

A longitudinal study explores how novice elementary teachers learn to engage in a set of high-leverage science teaching practices, such as leading a science sensemaking discussion and setting up and managing small-group investigations.

5 Common Questions Teachers are Asking About NGSS-Designed Materials

The Next Generation Science Standards challenges how science was taught for decades. K-12 NGSS Teacher Morgan Martin answers common questions teachers are asking about making the shift to the NGSS Framework.